Monday, August 1, 2011

Nokia 500, the first Symbian Berprosesor 1 GHz

VIVAnews -Nokia announced the launch of the Nokia 500, is the latest entry-level smartphone. This smart phone using a 1 GHz processor and touch screen measuring 3.2 inches.

Equipped with 5 megapixel camera, Nokia 500 claimed to offer the experience of enjoying music, entertainment as well as navigation maps and turn by turn "in the operating system Symbian Anna. These operating systems have a better web browser and the latest Ovi Maps.

"Until now, the smartphone with affordable prices are often categorized as a device with a low quality and offer the user experience under the standard," said Ilari Nurmi, Vice President of Nokia, August 2, 2011.

The newer Nokia 500, said Nurmi, is an example that Nokia continues to strive to innovate in the smartphone features and shows how the Symbian operating system can continue to support Nokia in meeting the needs of the market.

As information, unlike a smartphone with another operating system that is common to use processors 1 GHz speed, this is the first Symbian smartphone with the processor's speed.

As smartphones in General, with the Nokia 500 users can receive updates on Facebook, Twitter, a wide range of social networking and live chat directly on the main screen.

Fast processors allow users to open various applications simultaneously, switching applications quickly, and run applications that are demanding extra performance without slowing down the use of the device as a whole.

Nokia 500 comes with a pre loaded applications the best music and entertainment like Shazam Encore, Gig Finder, Lonely Planet and Michelin guides. Voice navigation for pedestrians and driving-offline in more than 80 countries to help avoid data roaming charges.

Nokia 500 is available in the third quarter of 2011 with a black and white followed with at the end of the year. Both will be attending with two rear casing which can be exchanged. Casing with diverse colors and design will present this year.

Although referred to it as entry level, but Nokia 500 are marketed at a price that is still quite a high: 150 Euros or about Rp1,8 million, before taxes and subsidies. Specification following technical Nokia 500. (ren)

• VIVAnews

6 Cara Perawatan Terhadap Mata Minus
Sampai beberapa tahun kehidupan, bola mata kita terus berkembang. Pada mata yang minus, bola mata memanjang. Sehingga untuk membantu mempertajam penglihatan diperlukan kacamata minus. Begitu juga pada mata positif.

Cara kerja mata kita bagaikan lensa. Jika kita terlalu banyak memaksakan mata untuk melihat dalam keadaan gelap atau jauh maka mata akan berakomodasi terus. Semakin sering mata berakomodasi semakin memperlambat kerja penglihatan.

Hal itu tentu bisa menyebabkan mata minus ataupun positif. Untuk tidak memperparah mata minus Anda, perhatikan tips berikut ini.

1. Banyak mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung lutein

Lutein banyak terkandung pada sayuran berwarna hijau. Lutein sangat diperlukan retina sebagai filter terhadap sinar biru yang toksik terhadap makula retina mata.

Selain itu ada baiknya Anda juga mengkonsumsi makanan bervitamin A dan beta karoten seperti wortel dan ubi. Banyak-banyaklah konsumsi sayuran, selain Anda mendapatkan manfaatnya bagi mata baik juga untuk tubuh dan kulit kan?

2. Mencegah minus bertambah

Salah satunya adalah selalu mencek kondisi mata Anda. Kendati Anda tak merasakan adanya masalah pada mata, tak adal salahnya sesekali memeriksakannya ke dokter. Akan lebih mudah jika bisa diketahui lebih dini.

3. Kendalikan kondisi kesehatan yang bisa berdampak pada penglihatan

Seperti diabetes dan tekanan darah tinggi. Segera tangani penyakit Anda. Lakukan juga perawatan mata.

4. Lindungi dengan kacamata

Mata minus sebaiknya selalu terlindungi dari radiasi sinar UV. Pilih kacamata yang tepat dengan kualitas baik. Kacamata ini akan semakin penting artinya saat Anda menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam di depan komputer atau TV.

Ataupun saat Anda tangah mengkonsumisi obat yang meningkatkan kepekaan mata kita terhadap radiasi sinar UV.

5. Sering-sering mengistirahatkan mata Anda

Kendati hal ini tak akan mengurangi minus pada mata Anda, setelah berjam-jam duduk di depan komputer cobalah melihat pemandangan lain. Jangan terlalu memfokuskan mata pada komputer terlalu lama.

6. Penerangan yang cukup

Jangan memaksakan diri membaca dalam gelap atau cahaya yang remang-remang. Sebaiknya juga jangan menonton TV di malam hari dengan lampu mati. Gunakan penerangan yang cukup untuk membantu mata Anda menguasai objek yang ingin dilihat.


Setelah Ditembak di Kepala, Gabrielle Giffords Kembali Bekerja
Anggota DPR Amerika Serikat dari Partai Demokrat, Gabrielle Giffords, kembali bekerja di Gedung Kongres. Dia berhasil selamat dan pulih setelah menjadi korban penembakan, Januari lalu.

Menurut kantor berita Associated Press, Giffords mendapat sambutan meriah dari rekannya sesama anggota DPR begitu dia, untuk kali pertama setelah kepalanya ditembak, masuk ke ruang sidang parlemen, Senin malam waktu setempat (Selasa pagi WIB). Mereka bertepuk tangan dan ada yang berupaya memeluk Giffords.

Penampilan Giffords kali ini sanggat berbeda. Tidak lagi berambut pirang, Giffords kali ini berambut pendek, berkacamata, dan terlihat lebih kurus. Namun, penampilan itu sungguh menggugah sesama anggota DPR. Mereka kagum atas daya tahan Giffords, yang bisa pulih dari penembakan fatal, yang mengenai kepalanya, dan harus beberapa kali menjalani bedah medis. 

Dia tampil sebentar di ruang sidang, hanya untuk memberikan suaranya saat DPR melangsungkan pemungutan suara mengenai setuju tidaknya mereka menaikkan batas maksimal utang pemerintah yang baru. Pemungutan suara para anggota DPR itu sangat krusial untuk mencegah AS agar tidak terjerumus ke status gagal bayar utang (default).

Tak lama setelah tampil di Kongres (Gedung Capitol), Giffords lalu menulis kesan dalam akunnya di lamat Twitter. "Gedung Capitol terlihat indah dan saya bangga bisa bekerja kembali malam ini," tulis Giffords.   

Gabrielle Giffords sebelum dan setelah ditembak (kanan)
Foto: Gabrielle Giffords sebelum ditembak (kiri) dan setelah sembuh dari penembakan (kanan). (AP Photo)

Pada 8 Januari lalu, Giffords bertandang ke wilayah konstituennya di Kota Tucson, negara bagian Arizona. Tak dinyana, dia bersama sejumlah orang ditembak pria tak dikenal. Enam orang tewas, namun Giffords menderita luka kritis di bagian kepala.

Pelaku penembakan, Jared Lee Loughner, dijatuhi 49 dakwaan. Loughner langsung mendekam di penjara untuk waktu yang tidak ditentukan setelah hakim menyatakan dia secara mental tidak siap dihadirkan ke sidang pengadilan.   


A Young Girl Victims Of Sale Of Children's Encyclopedia

VIVAnews -a young girl from freeing the Police practice of selling children under (traficking), at the Hotel King Cross Complex Kokan Gems Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, Saturday, July 30, 2011.

"We got a report from the family, and immediately perform a search in that location," said the head of the Central Police Services, Assistant Commissioner of Police k. Natin. Victims called Eneng that is now in units of Perlingungan women and children (PPA), Jakarta Utara, Polres to asked for captions.

According to Daniel, one of the relatives of the victim, a girl who was sitting in class two JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, disappeared over the past six months. "He disappeared during a home school," he said. This gorgeous girl looking for help from the hotel. Messages delivered via SMS received the victim's sister Octa.

Eneng establishes its relatives in the Harmony Central Jakarta. His parents live in Cimahi, West Java. Recognition of Octa, Eneng hard to get out of the hotel. Originally Eneng was offered a job with an income that is reasonably passable. But he is disappointed, because it turns out that the work was very damaging to the future.

"To stop working at the hotel, the Eneng have to pay compensation to the management authorities of Rp 25 million," he said.

The family had come to the Hotel several times but always failed to bring home the Eneng. Until finally made a report to the Polres North Jakarta. The liberation that lasted about an hour it runs quite a lot. (Report: Arnes Korupsi | Jakarta Utara, umi)

Peliculas Online

Ashampoo Video Styler v1.0.1-TE | 23 MB

Description:Ashampoo Video Styler is the ideal program to jazz up your videos. With its user friendly program interface, many functions and filters you will easily turn your videos into impressive films. Apply for example one of the numerous filters or add background music to your video and make it an unforgettable memory with Ashampoo Video Styler.


Easy handling (“one click”)
Adjustment of brightness, contrast etc.
Adding background music and effects
Simultaneous encoding of several videos
Upload videos to YouTube
Creation of videos in Facebook or MyVideo format
Touch screen support

Download : 6 file

TweakPrefetch, Software Untuk Me-manage Penggunaan Prefetch
Beberapa sistem operasi Windows, termasuk di dalam Windows XP, Vista, dan 7 telah dilengkapi fitur optimasi yang sering dikenal dengan prefetch dan superfetch. Fitur ini diperlukan untuk mengurangi waktu startup saat aplikasi dijalankan, dan proses booting Windows.
Windows membuat daftar file yang di-load berkali-kali pada saat aplikasi dijalankan kali pertama berupa file index. Untuk selanjutnya, Windows akan melihat file index tersebut untuk mempercepat proses startup dengan me-load file dalam daftar ke dalam memory, pada saat aplikasi yang sama dijalankan untuk kesekian kalinya. Saat ini, user dapat me-manage penggunaan prefetch dengan mudah sesuai kebutuhannya dengan bantuan aplikasi tertentu, salah satunya adalah TweakPrefetch.

Aplikasi ini di-coding menggunakan, dan mampu mengonfigurasikan parameter-parameter bagi prefetch dan superfetch. User dapat men-disable, mengosongkan prefetch, dan pengaturan prefetch bagi aplikasi ataupun boot. (tabloid pc mild)

Download TweakPrefetch


Captain America : The First Avenger (2011)
Release Date: 22 July 2011 (USA)
Genre: Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Language: English
Subtitle : Any Language 


Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) memang tak memadai untuk menjadi seorang tentara. Karena itu pula ia gagal. Namun dia Pantang menyerah, Steve kemudian mendaftarkan diri menjadi bagian dari eksperimen militer yang dikenal dengan nama Project: Rebirth. Tujuan program ini adalah menciptakan prajurit super yang bakal diturunkan ke medan laga. 

Dengan teknologi yang ada, pihak militer AS kemudian mengubah Steve Rogers menjadi prajurit super bernama Captain America. Sayangnya, pemerintah kemudian menganggap eksperimen ini sudah menghabiskan biaya terlalu tinggi dan karena itu tak rela kalau Captain America turun ke medan peperangan. Sebagai gantinya, Captain America lantas dijadikan maskot untuk meningkatkan semangat juang para prajurit.

Tak lama kemudian tersiar kabar kalau seorang anggota Nazi bernama Red Skull (Hugo Weaving) ternyata punya rencana jahat untuk menguasai dunia dengan menggunakan benda berkekuatan magis yang dikenal dengan nama Tesseract. Steve Rogers terpaksa turun tangan untuk memburu Red Skull dan menjadi orang pertama yang bergabung sebagai The Avengers.

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

The Day After Tomorrow, The New Residents Could Be Completed By The Electronic ID CARD

VIVAnews -Ministry of the Interior Ministry said the creation of an electronic identification card (e-ID CARD) will be delayed up to two days.

Initially, residents can already take care of your e-ID CARD starting August 1, 2011. This happens because two of the 17 items of equipment used for the making of e-ID CARD has not been distributed to most of the counties and cities in Indonesia.

â hopefully, Sunday, August 3, 2011, by tomorrow, it's been effective service of e-ID CARD throughout Indonesia, "said a spokesman for Kemdagri, Reydonnyzar Moenek, in Jakarta, Monday, August 1, 2011.

Two items that are not distributed according to the Reydonnyzar is the fingerprint recording device and recorder of the retina of the eye. He explains, the equipment arrived at the port of Tanjung Priok from the United States on July 30, 2011.

Furthermore, the Kemdagri will distribute the equipment earlier this month, so on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 can do the installation and settings of the creation of e-ID CARD, and a day later, the parish clerk could serve the community.

Kemdagri promising service e-ID CARD can run effective the beginning of August, or at the latest two days away. He says, from 267 in JAWA village, only a small village that had not yet received the fingerprint recording equipment and recorders of the retina.

He reveals the reason for the delay is due to geographic differences between Indonesia and the United States. Even so, it is optimistic the service e-ID CARD running effective on 197 counties and the city until the end of November. "Kemdagri have completed the technical guidance of 4320 provincial operator on Thursday-Sunday, 28-31 July 2011," he added.

Peliculas Online

Transjakarta buses burned in Grogol Petamburan

VIVAnews -Transjkarta Bus caught fire near the Grogol toward Roxy traffic lights, Monday 1 August 2011. According to the information Traffic Management Center (TMC) Polda Metro Jaya, Transjakarta bus B that burned 7024 IX at around 8.30 pm.

Transjakarta Corridor III majoring in Kalideres-Harmoni was burned in the back. "None of the victims, all passengers successfully evaluated," the officer said the TMC Briptu David when contacted The cause of the fire was not known.

This time the fire was successfully extinguished by one unit of a fire engine. However the bus remained at the site. "Waiting to be towed," he added.

The strike was on the Bus line busway, so as not to disturb flow of traffic. "Just a little choked up because the riders delay vehicles to watch," he explained. (adi)

Peliculas Online

Panecal Scientific Calculator 1.8.3 by CyberAndroid

A multiline scientific calculator which can input a numerical formula.

Requirements: Android 2.1 and higher

* Re-edit the numerical formula by △ key.
* A vibration and orange color key input confirmation. You can modify the vibration length in ALT+Setup.
* Arithmetic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic function, power, power root function, factorial, and corresponds to the absolute value operations.
* DEG, RAD, GRAD mode.
* FloatPt, Fix, Sci, Eng mode.
* BS key, DEL key, INS key.

[adjustment of the key location]
In the case of new installation, the Panecal adjusts key location suitable for the resolution of the smartphone automatically. When it doesn't fit keys in the screen, you can adjust the key location automatically by changing parameter Margin function key=0, Margin ten key=0. In addition, you can set keys location inputting any number into these parameters.

Warga Inggris Sering Langgar Syariah Dubai

Dubai – Belasan warga negara Inggris ditahan di Dubai, Uni Emirat Arab (UEA) selama setahun terakhir ini karena berbagai pelanggaran terhadap hukum syariah.Berdasarkan penyelidikan Mirror, sejumlah pelanggaran dilakukan. Seperti berhubungan intim di luar pernikahan, membuat gerakan tangan yang dinilai kasar dan memakai bikini. Salah satu yang paling kontroversial adalah Lee Bradley Brown (39) dari Essex.
Ia meninggal April lalu, setelah ditahan karena dituding menyerang seorang pelayan hotel. Ada pula Dr Joseph Nunoo-Mensah (41), ditahan April lalu karena melakukan hal yang tak pantas di publik. Ia membuat gerakan tangan kasar kepada seorang supir taksi.

Seorang wanita ditahan Agustus lalu, karena mengenakan bikini di pusat perbelanjaan. Mereka adalah beberapa orang dari total 211 orang Inggris bermasalah yang dibantu Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) di UEA, selama 12 bulan terakhir.
Beberapa pelanggaran lain yang dilakukan adalah konsumsi minuman beralkohol, pencucian uang, masuk paksa ke sebuah tempat terlarang, merusak properti dan pelanggaran mengemudi. Di Ibukota UEA, Abu Dhabi, ada kejahatan impor barang ilegal, mabuk di tempat umum dan lainnya.
Lebih dari sejuta warga Inggris setiap tahunnya berkunjung ke UEA. FCO mengingatkan, UEA adalah negara Islam berlandaskan hukum syariah. “Warga Inggris yang berkunjung diimbau menghormati tradisi, adat, hukum dan agama setiap saat.”

Satu Tips Tahan Haus Dan dahaga Pada Bulan Ramadhan


selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa
saya punya tips untuk menahan dahaga atau haus lebih lama pada bulan ramadhan
tips ini saya dapatkan dari salah satu santri yang insya Allah tips ini di bolehkan oleh agama
tipsnya sangat mudah anda hanya perbanyak makan buah Asam
pada saat malam harinya jawa


Mukjizat Terjadi Dalam Kecelakaan Pesawat Ini

Sebuah pesawat Caribbean Airlines yang mengangkut 157 orang terbelah dua saat mengalami kecelakaan dalam pendaratannya di tengah hujan deras dan kabut di Georgetown, Guyana, Sabtu (30/7/2011).Pesawat yang bertolak dari New York ini dilaporkan mendarat di tengah landasan sebelum tergelincir keluar dan menghantam sebuah pagar kemudian terhenti di sebuah lereng berumput dekat sebuah jalan.
Bagian depan badan pesawat yang memuat rangkaian kursi kelas satu pecah di landasan sehingga sempat membuat para penumpangnya terperangkap di dalamnya.Namun, tidak ada 151 penumpang dan 6 awak yang berada di atas Boeing 737-800 itu yang mengalami cidera serius. Seluruhnya telah dievakuasi.
Menteri Kesehatan Guyana Leslie Ramsammy menerangkan satu orang mengalami patah kaki dan beberapa orang lain menderita cidera ringan akibat kecelakaan pesawat ini.
“Luar biasa apabila membayangkan hanya ada korban cidera yang ringan dalam kecelakaan pesawat yang cukup parah seperti itu,” tutur Nicholas.
Pernyataan serupa juga disampaikan oleh pemimpin Caribbean Airlines, George Nicholas, dalam keterangan persnya di Bandara Internasional Cheddi Jagan. “Mujizat benar-benar terjadi hari ini,” katanya.
Pesawat ini mengalami kecelakaan pada pukul 01:32 waktu setempat atau pukul 12:32 WIB. Petugas berupaya menyelamatkan para penumpang dan awak dari pesawat yang hancur itu selama beberapa jam di tengah kegelapan dini hari.
Pihak manajemen pesawat berbendera Trinidad dan Tobago itu menerangkan Otoritas Penerbangan Sipil Guyana akan mengadakan penyelidikan terhadap kecelakaan pesawat bersama Badan Keselamatan Transportasi Nasional AS (NTSB).

FOTO: Kemegahan Masjid Al Farooq, Masjid Terbesar Di Dubai

FOTO: Inilah Salat Tarawih Perdana di Masjid Istiqlal

DXHome DXR 2.1.72 by CyberAndroid

Overview: DXHome, a highly customized home replacement app., is a perfect home company with Android phones.

Requirements: Android 2.1+

It is created by the Dianxinos Enterpriser team in Innovation Works invested by Dr. Kaifu Lee. Highly customizable with various themes, colorful desktop transitions, easy operating……, just like its name in Chinese, Dianxin is making the home of your Android phone colorful and enjoyable!

What could you get from DXHome?

1)So many themes to enjoy!
Want your phone to change with your mood?! Try themes we designed for you!

DXHome presents its first six themes of totally different styles!

NO.1 Dianxin Default Desktop Theme--- it is peaceful, clear, warm……, all the nice feelings DXHome wants you to feel. Name it by yourself. It’s our gift~^-^~

NO.2 Midsummer Theme--- get fidgety from the hate outside? Pick some cool and fresh air here!

NO.3 Cake Theme--- are you a foody? How about some candy and cakes now~^-^~ Try it and tell us how it’s like? DXHome is “cooking” more and more for you if you like~

NO.4 Batman— a big Batman fan? Here he comes! COOL!

NO.5 Clothing— want your phone to be cute? DXHome makes suit for your icon! Try it on!

NO.6 Tree & Shadow— at the end, come and sit down beside the tree, just enjoy the peaceful nightfall now.

Not enough? Download the one you want from Internet! This the privilege Dianxin provides specially for you! With DXHome, you could always make your phone to be YOUR STYLE! Yeah, phone might be changed overtime, but your style could last forever with DXHome!

2)What is it like when you swipe your desktop screens??
Here DXHome provides you extremely smooth experience and its first series of desktop transitions! Just swipe! You will be surprised!

3)App. Drawer---Long press any icon in App Drawer, add to Home screen or delete it. Yeah, Soooo easy!

4)Screens Editor--- add, delete or remove any icon, create or edit any shortcuts to apps? It’s YOUR choice now!
By the way, don’t forget to add the weather widget designed by sweet Dianxin, both beautiful and useful!! That’s true!

5) Folder---can’t be any easier to create a new folder, just put two icons together. DXHome will create a folder automatically as you want!

There are SOOO many more than what we show you here, explore it! More surprises are waiting for you!

Keep an eye on us cause more and more are coming! DXHome will keep you being surprised!

There are SOOO many more than what we show you here, explore it! More surprises are waiting for you!

Keep an eye on us cause more and more are coming! DXHome will keep you being surprised!

Latest version: DXHome_DXR_2.1.72 (for Android version 2.1 and higher)


SymbolsKeyboard & TextArt Pro 2.4.1 by CyberAndroid

SymbolsKeyboard & TextArt, the only symbols keyboard and the most featured text art and picture app for Android! Send ascii symbols or text art from the library to facebook, sms, mail, twitter, blog,... You can also create your own art! Check out this top ten ranked social app!
☆★☆★☆★☆★ TOP 5 IN PAID SOCIAL APPBRAIN!! ★☆★☆★☆★☆

Requirements: for all Android versions, supports App2SD

Forget old school smileys! TextArt and symbols are the new way to let friends and family know how you feel. There is an image and symbol for each occasion! Christmas, Easter, birthdays, new year's eve, love, friends,...

- Use, edit or create your tex
t art
- Widgets for easy sending
- Send it via sms, email, Facebook, twitter, ...
- Copy it to a blog, forum,...
- Use the symbol keyboard to add ascii symbols to all your texts

Swipe the keyboard or long press the s1 button to change the keyboard layout!

Recent changes:
✔ new strikethrough font
✔ auto spacing
✔ new text arts

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 705x344.

RocketDial Pro 2.8.4c by CyberAndroid

Overview: Rocket dialer - Reach your contact like a rocket

Requirements: Android OS 2.0+

RocketDial - Awesome dialer and most powerful contact management application.

Detailed Features:
- Fast and Powerful Smart search T9, search for names, organizations, title, phone numbers,websites, notes... and all the information contacts have.
- Favorites support, large buttons for select, quick and easy dialing.
- Perfrect contacts support : send messages, write emails, delete your contacts in one click, everything is fast and convenient.
- Speed dialing numbers 1 - 9, press and hold the button to assign a speed dial. You can also configure the speed dial menu.
- Call Confirm, show confirmation dialog every time user placed a call, no more accidental calls.
- Perfect T9 search for groups , easily find the group through T9 search group name. support adding color for each groups tab.
- Advanced call history management, batch mode, quickly create a reminder in your calendar for the contacts and so on.
- Search Contacts simply through finger-drawings
- Perfect support for Last name first display method, support contacts order on last name.
- Supports US/Canana Area Code, show locations for incoming/outgoing calls.
- Change background , choose picture from your phone to use as dialer background.
- Caller ID for incoming calls.
- Call End that can lock screen directly (android 2.2 and above)
- And many other exciting improvements .

Below Character Sets are supported:
Russian, English, German, Hebrew, Greek, Georgian, Hungarian most Latin characters, also Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese

If you enable Lock Screen Feature under android 2.2. You have to uncheck the "Setting-->Location and Security-->Select Device Manager--> RocketDial" in order to uninstall RocketDial

What's in this version:
- Some bug fixes
- Added a new theme fresh light theme ( need update the language pack if you are using language pack)


Super (2010)
Release Date: 10 June 2011 (Iceland)
Genre: Action | Comedy | Drama
Language: English
Subtitle : Any Language 


After his wife falls under the influence of a drug dealer, an everyday guy transforms himself into Crimson Bolt, a superhero with the best intentions, though he lacks for heroic skills.  



Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 

My Ping in